As part of the AMPPA project, a series of educational talks have been aired on Radju Lauretana (Community Radio) throughout the months of August to December. Renowned marine biologist Prof. Alan Deidun together with Radio host Lelio Spiteri discussed various topics related with our coastal areas including marine pollution, fishing, what is an MPAs, marine species and other related topics. This served part of the AMPPA project under the Interreg V-A Italia Malta programme. More events are planned throughout the scholastic season and by finishing the Marine interactive centre which will be part of our new library.

- Eventi ·
Italia e Malta insieme per tutelare le Aree Marine Protette, a Palermo i risultati del progetto AMPPA
Conservazione della biodiversità del mare e valorizzazione della pesca artigianale sono al centro del lavoro strategico e di coinvolgimento della popolazione locale realizzato dall’Interreg VA…